Already have or read the #1 Best-Selling Book, 'Believe Your way to Badass'? Why Stop Here!?

Pair the #1 Best Seller, 'Believe Your Way to Badass' Interactive Guide with the BELIEVE YOUR WAY TO BADASS 21 DAY COACHING PROGRAM!

Get my 4 WEEKS to a BADASS YOU program for 50% Off!

$197 - Only $97 Now!

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Hi my name is Celeste Rains-Turk! And I created the BELIEVE YOUR WAY TO BADASS COACHING PROGRAM based on my own personal development through past struggles..

For years I struggled to truly love myself, my body, and my lifestyle. I knew I was capable of more in every facet of my life and just succumbing to average was not going to be enough for me to create the most badass lifestyle of my dreams (which I am now living) so I decided to change.  

It took a lot of trial and error; I started working out but I developed unhealthy relationships with food and exercise, and I was still depressed, anxious, and no where near the badass version of myself.  I began investing in personal development mentors, therapy, and even energy healing and coaching.  I became a student to psychology as well as intuitive living and soul freedom. 

I now help others to align inner work with physical results by focusing on emphasizing the importance of self-love, confidence, and mindset work.

  I am on a mission to help others experience ULTIMATE success in their life while embracing and stepping into the BEST most BADASS version of themselves. 

197$ - Only 97$ Now!

$100 Off Just For Readers!

"I use these principles in my life every day to generate success in my business, fitness, relationships, and fulfillment of my life purpose"

Celeste Rains-Turk- Creator and Head Coach of the Believe Your way to Badass 4 Week Coaching Program

Check-Ins with me Will Take Place in Our Private VIP Facebook Group where you will post your action steps, let us know how you are doing, and gain support and knowledge from myself and others!

You will always have my support each week, I want what is best for you, I want you to succeed just as bad as you do (if not more!)

What you get as soon as you sign up..

Questionnaire sent to you so I can better understand your goals to make the most of the program.

Access to the Exclusive Believe your Way to Badass Membership Portal with Modules to take you through the Program Step by Step.

Check-Ins with me via email or social media messaging

Interactive private Facebook group with other Badasses

Exact Action Steps to Move you Along in Your Journey and Through the Book Smoothly

Most important of all.. RESULTS from the BEST mindset principles and strategies!

*videos are provided in the membership portal only and all extra accountability and coaching is done in the VIP Facebook Tribe and via email reach outs dependent on your action taking!

*All you need is your book and some WiFi! This program is accessible on phone, tablet, computer, and anything else that has internet access

Limited spots available due to personal interaction, support, and guidance* 

Some more public comments from those who Have Believed Their Way to Badass!

Did I leave out the fact that this program is yours to keep after the 4 weeks!?

I always ensure that each member of my program is able to generate long term results as well as go at their own pace. The principles taught in this book and in this course are CORE elements to living the most badass lifestyle and creating a life you love which means, you can reapply them over and over and over again as you grow and progress in your various journeys!

This is the never ending road of up-leveling and progressing! No short term gimmicks here. You are all in, everyday, or you are all out!

$197 - Only $97 Now!

Celeste Rains-Turk; Celestial_Fit International - Copyright 2023